Five things every man needs to know when growing a beard

Men have been growing beards to attract women since the paleolithic period.
Modern science confirms that little has changed. A 2016 study by the University of Queensland, Australia, declared that beards signal age, status, and dominance.

When you grow a beard, the chances are you’re thinking Donald Glover, not Gandalf from The Lord
of the Rings. But growing a beard presents challenges for all men, especially black men, who usually
have a coarse and curly hair texture, and experience slower hair growth.

Here are five tips to ensure your beard says “well-groomed” and not, well… “Castaway” (unless
you’re stranded on a desert island of course)

  1. Cleanse
    You need to wash your beard to remove the build-up of dead skin cells and the accumulation of dirt.
    How often you wash your beard depends on your skin type; if you have oily skin, you may need to wash it every one or two days. If you have drier skin then every three to four days might be more appropriate.
    “And I can just use my regular shampoo, right?”
    Beard hair tends to be drier; regular shampoo will only strip it of precious moisture, as it is too acidic.
    You will need a gentler, pH-balanced shampoo (pH 4.5 – 5.0).
  1. Moisturise
    When you grow a beard, the skin underneath doesn’t disappear – it still needs to be looked after.
    Ensure you nourish the skin by using beard oil, and keep it moisturized with a conditioner. This will prevent your skin from becoming flakey (beard dandruff is never a good look).
    In addition to adding moisture, consider exfoliating your skin. Ingrowing hairs are more common when your hair is curly. Using a facial scrub containing salicylic acid, as well as a battery-powered cleansing brush, will help combat this.
  1. Groom
    After you have completed your skincare routine, gently comb your beard. Use a tool designed specifically for the job, so that it moves smoothly, detangling your beard, without snagging it. A carefully created wood beard pick is ideal. If your hair is dry and brittle, take extra care to avoid breaking it.
  2. Invest
    High-quality products are gentler and more effective than their cheaper counterparts, as they do not contain dyes, artificial fragrances, and ingredients such as lanolin.
  3. Patience
    Growing a beard is a long-term commitment, it will take at least six weeks for you to start noticing progress. At first, your beard may appear patchy or it may feel itchy, this is normal. Follow the steps above and you will soon have a beard to be proud of. Visit to buy the quality products you need to start your beard-growing journey
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